Maker News - March 2015

Spotlight: Quick Order Feature

Along with winning custom work from the Job Board you can encapsulate the custom process in an easy-to-use form for every listing you have with the Quick Order form.

So how does this work?

Many CustomMade makers utilize Quick Order forms. They take their most popular items and make it effortless for customers to order them to their own specifications. Once a customer places an order for one of these pieces you would immediately receive the payment and customization information. Then you're ready to start the project and deliver it within the time frame you decides.

But doesn’t this take time to set-up?

It only takes a couple moments to add a quick form option to a listing. After they’re set you’ll:

  • Get your payment in your pocket before you even start the job
  • Spend less time messaging with customers over nitty gritty details
  • Generate ready-to-buy listings for customers who love your work and want exactly what they see

Here's how you can create your quick order form

1. Enter the basic listing information and photos.

Upload photos using the "Add photos" button on the right and enter the basic information in these fields:

2. Enter the number of weeks it takes to create the item and have it ready to ship.

Give this some thought and include time for unexpected glitches. It's better to leave yourself an extra week or two and deliver ahead of schedule than to disappoint a customer by missing your deadline.

3. Enter the price.

The price you enter here should be the "base price" for the item with no extra add-ons or upgrades. Think of a car where the price goes up as you add on extras like a premium stereo or leather seats.

4. Add variations.

This is where you can customize the order form. You can add structured selections where you offer a set list of options (e.g. ring size or type of wood), or options where customers can enter text.

Let's say we have a ring that comes in silver, but that we can make in gold for $200 more.

First, we select the drowndown option:

Then, we enter the type of option we're inserting, and what the choices are:

Now we need to add an extra charge for the gold upgrade, so we click on the "Add additional cost" link to the right of the field where we entered "Gold" and enter the amount that option costs.

When adding dropdown fields, note that customers must make a selection in order to complete the form and make a purchase. So if your dropdown includes extras or add-ons, be sure to include an option for customers who simply want the basic version of the item. In this case, customers who want the basic version of the ring would select silver.

Next, let's say we want to offer an inscription inside the ring for $50. We need to add two for fields: one for the customer to select that upgrade, and a second for the text of the inscription.

So first, we want to click on the "Add option" link, and again, we're going to select the dropdown option. Next to the "Yes" option, we'll click on the "Add additional cost" link so that $50 is added to the price if the customer wants an inscription:


Then, we need to give the customer a place to enter the inscription text. So we'll add another variation, but this time, we'll select the "Text field" option. Check the "optional" box so that the user can submit the form when no engraving is desired and enter a label for the field (entered here as "Enter text for engraving"). You can also add a character limit by clicking on the "Add a character limit" link.

You can add as many variations as you like using the "Select variation type..." dropdown.

5. Enter shipping rates

The last step is to enter your shipping rates. Bear in mind that you can't change the shipping cost after the order is placed.

If you offer one shipping option, like flat-rate domestic shipping, simply enter that information here (if you offer free shipping, enter a zero in the price field). If you have different fees for different regions, use the "Add Location" link to create new fields for that information. In this example, included different rates for the continental US, Alaska & Hawaii, and non-US shipping:

That's it! If you're happy with your listing and want to make it visible in your portfolio, click the yellow "Add listing" button. (If not, use the "Save as draft" link.)

When you view the listing, you'll see the custom order form at the top-right:

When a customer places an order, you'll be paid 100% up front and get a notification with the information the customer entered.


How to Attract More Gift Givers

Lots of people come to CustomMade looking for the perfect gift. What can you do to set your items apart from the rest and get your share of that business?

  1. List a few easy-to-make and easy-to-ship items in your profile. Many welder and furniture makers craft large items like benches and desks but also incorporate simpler and smaller designs like hooks and bottle openers in their profiles.

  2. Spend less time communicating with customers and more time making by adding Quick Order options to your listings. You’ll immediately get paid and have a detailed set of deliverables to work from.

  3. Add a basic option to applicable listings. Have an inlaid walnut cutting board or a platinum stacking ring? Make the same listing available in a lower-cost material or less complex design to give customers with smaller budgets more options. 

  4. Develop personalized options for your pieces like inscriptions or engravings that let the gift recipient know the item was intended for him/her. Many jewelers and woodworkers make these options available to diversify their profiles.

  5. Craft a stellar description. Customers want to know why the piece is special and you have the power to tell its story. Add a few details like what inspired you to craft the piece, a specific step in the process that’s meaningful to you or what kind of person might really enjoy the item. Is your listing the perfect gift for newlyweds, college grads or new homeowners? Say so! 

Ship Shape

Once the customer's payment has been processed, CustomMade will email you to let you know the money is on its way to your WePay account.* You then have up to two business days to ship the item. When shipping the item, you must insure it for its full value. This protects both you and the customer in the event the item is damaged or lost during delivery. 

After you've arranged for shipping, log in to your CustomMade account, enter the shipping information, and mark the item shipped. You'll need to select the carrier and enter the tracking number. There’s an "Other" option if you're using a shipper other than those in the drop-down menu. If you're delivering the item personally, select the "I will deliver myself option." 

Completing this final step prompts an automatic email (see example below) to your customer with your tracking information and closes the job in our system. This helps CustomMade learn more about where our customers are ordering from to find new ways to attract new customers to you in the future.

*US makers only



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