How do I know what an appropriate budget is for my project?

After you post a project on CustomMade, makers will review your request and send you a message if they are interested in working with you. At this time, many makers will provide an estimate or price range that they feel is appropriate given the specifications of your project. If you have questions or concerns about the proposed cost of an item and are unfamiliar with the custom process, there are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Cost of materials. The cost of the materials required to build your project can vary greatly depending on what you request. Do you want high-end finishes or would you prefer to stick with something that's a bit more standard? If you are unsure, let the maker know that you would like to see options from a couple different price points.

2. Time and labor. Most CustomMade makers are the sole artisan crafting your project, so larger or more detailed projects can sometimes take more time to complete, and therefore cost more.

3. One of a kind design. Remember, your project is carefully crafted to be one of a kind and uniquely yours. Because of this, heirloom quality custom goods will typically cost more than mass-produced items found in a big-box retail store.

To get a sense of the general cost of an item before you post your project, we recommend browsing CustomMade for similar projects. Look at a handful of projects that include similar materials, and are of a similar size and scope. The average cost of those projects is often a good starting point for you to discuss your budget with a maker.

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