Tips for communicating with customers

There are three distinct phases of customer communication that take place as you work through the custom process: the initial expression of interest, creation updates, and project completion.

Initial Expression of Interest

Whether you’ve found a project on the Job Board or are contacted directly by a prospective customer, the first message you send to a customer is called an expression of interest. If a customer contacts you directly by submitting a project request through one of your listings, or by clicking the "Contact" button on your profile we ask that you respond within 24 hours. If you're not able to do that, the customer will receive an email asking if he or she would like to hear from other makers. Learn more about our 24 hour exclusivity period here and see the 5 key components of successful first messages here

Keeping The Customer Informed

After expressing interest in a job, the conversation with the customer will hopefully continue to the point of sending a proposal. If your proposal is accepted, you will then move into the creation updates phase of communication. As you are working on a job, you'll need to keep the customer updated throughout the entire process. 

Project Completion

When you mark the project complete, you'll need to send the customer a photo of the finished product and details around how and when you will be shipping the item. During this phase of communication, we also strongly encourage you to remind the customer to leave you a review after they have received the item.

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